NERF MINECRAFT PILLAGER'S CROSSBOW: This dart-blasting Nerf Minecraft crossbow takes its inspiration from the crossbow in the Minecraft video games
DART-FIRING CROSSBOW: Blast foam darts at your targets with the Nerf Minecraft Pillager's Crossbow and experience real crossbow action Pull the priming lever to draw back the crossbow's string
3-DART CAPACITY: The crossbow has 3 barrels, so you can load 3 darts, then unleash the darts 1 at a time from this Minecraft-inspired Nerf crossbow
INCLUDES 3 NERF ELITE DARTS: Includes 3 Official Nerf Elite foam darts that are great for indoor and outdoor play and are tested and approved for performance and quality
LOAD, PRIME, AND FIRE: Load 3 darts, pull back the priming lever, and press the button to launch 1 dart