Miraculous Ladybug makes her feature film debut in an enchanting animated and musical tale. The movie takes you on a journey of discovery, the beautiful origin story of how two normal teens-Marinette DuPain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste-embarked upon their superhero destinies! Marinette is ready for a gala night out with her closest friends-and perhaps the biggest reveal of her life! She comes displayed in a collector package with beautiful deep blue hues, representing the Paris skies at night, and with a detailed die-cut design inspired by the ornate Parisian staircase at the movie's Grand Ball. Collect all the Miraculous Ladybug dolls and accessories from Playmates Toys
- DRESSED FOR THE BALL: Marinette wears an exclusive fashion from the movie, a flowing red gown with a bottom layer of satin and two over-layers of glittered tulle. It has iridescent capelets inspired by the delicate wings of a ladybug. She also wears exclusive pink glitter ballet slippers for this special event!
- STYLISH HAIR: Marinette's hair is delicately swirled into an elegant updo, topped with a stitched Parisian "fascinator".
- REMOVABLE ACCESSORIES: These include a special Ladybug mask with a high-gloss shimmer and Miraculous earrings.
- POISED FOR POSING: The doll has 15 points of articulation for the ultimate in superhero (or gala attending) action and posing (or dancing with Adrien).
- COLLECT THEM ALL: Look for all the Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir movie collectibles
- AGE: 4 years +