ULTIMATE TOY ICE CREAM TRUCK: Play-Doh ice cream truck toys for kids allow kids to play pretend! This kids play kitchen is the perfect place to express their imaginations!
CREATE, CUSTOMIZE, CHECK OUT: With this Play-Doh ice cream set, make treats with soft serve machine and scooping station, decorate with sprinkle maker, tools, and molds, and ring up customers at register
REALISTIC SOUNDS AND MUSIC: Classic ice cream truck jingles and "cha-ching!" of toy register
DESIGNED WITH PARENTS IN MIND: Built-in storage plus locking bin keeps it organized! Rim collects Play-Doh bits to easily sweep back into can. Great toys for 3 year old boys and girls and up!
27 TOOLS AND 12 COLORS: Spark creativity with Play-Doh sets for girls and boys! This one comes with cones, dishes, stampers, molds, and other Play-Doh tools plus 12 classic modeling compound colors
GREAT GIFTS FOR KIDS: These 3-foot kids food truck toys make great gifts for 3 year old girls and boys and up. These pretend play kitchen toys give them so many ways to be creative