The Roblox MM2: Dartbringer is a blaster inspired by the Roblox experience MM2 by Nikilis. The blaster comes with a code to redeem an exclusive virtual item on Roblox. The blaster holds 3 darts in an internal clip. Move the slide to prime and pull the trigger to fire a dart. Comes with 3 Nerf Elite darts.
- The Nerf Roblox MM2 Dartbringer Dart Blaster is great for developing shooting skills and dexterity
- The blaster comes with a 3-dart magazine, allowing players to fire 3 darts in a succession
- To use it, simply place the darts in the magazine, activate the priming slide and then pull the trigger to fire
- Inspired by the equipment used in the famous Roblox MM2 game
- Contains a unique code for an exclusive virtual item
- Includes a gun, 3 foam darts and instructions
- Packaging dimensions are 20.3 cm high, 6.3 cm long and 30.5 cm wide
- 8 years above