Learn about rhythm – Children can learn about rhythm and enjoy creating their own musical patterns with the snail drum, helping develop their sense of rhythm and encourage them to express themselves musically
Develop large motor skills – Pulling the snail along using the cord and guiding him along the floor is a great way to help boost special awareness and develop large motor skills
Encourage movement – The snail drum is lots of fun to play with while sitting, but it also encourages children to move around and get physical. This is especially good for children who are beginning to move around independently
Encourage social skills – Making music is a great way to interact with other people, and the snail drum is a fantastic way to play together and boost social interaction, even with children who are too young to talk about the toy
Confidence – Learning how to make new sounds, enjoy rhythms and move the toy around is a great boost to a young child’s confidence, encouraging them to explore the world around them