Playback: To hear your Bird repeat your message, press the Talk Button quickly. Your Bird will remember the phrase until you record a new one!
Petting: Your Bird loves to be petted! Gently stroke your Bird's back and it will tweet & turn its head for you. Continue petting and you Bird will get happier, chirping & tweeting, then eventually whistles a tune!
Sleeping: When you leave your Bird alone, it will occasionally, chirp, tweet and sing for your attention. If you're lucky, it may even repeat a phrase you said earlier
After a few minutes, your Bird will fall asleep.
You can wake it up at any time by pressing the Talk Button on its chest then start playing all over again!
The Little Live Pets Lil' Birds are the most collectable, attractive bird with cute eyelashes and glittering feathers! Pet your little bird and watch it turn its head. With 20 cute bird sounds, the more you pet your friend the more it will respond